It's the Missouri Coteau

The Coteau is home to the last remnants of the duck factory. But the native prairie, the restored grasslands, the pastures, hay land and the variety of wetland classes provide a home for all species that need the habitat that is here to ensure the future of the species.  

It’s why Kidder County (the north half) is considered one of the top ten birding location in North America.   Think about it, within a mile of driving from the Lodge you can move from Baird’s sparrow habitat to Western Grebe’s nesting.  Spending the time and driving around ( using our maps) you can likely log over 75 species in one day.  

Don’t just drive through here, spend some time in Kidder County exploring the great habitat diversity, using eBird to help ID local hotspots and tap into the knowledge base of some local birders.  

It is truly a birding paradise.  The summer birds are generally patient with your presence and will hang around where you find them.   Do it.  Book a couple nights at the lodge, enjoy the local hospitality,  capitalize on the resources provided and hook up with a local birder who loves to share all that the area has to offer.


What you will find here

Go any direction from the Lodge and you can find a variety of birds because of the diversity of habitats.  Key on eBird reports and use our regularly updated map and info we can provide and you will be on birds.   Nearby, Robinson and Lake Williams are some of the better bird traps that occur during Spring migration where species moving north across the barren land finds a place to roost and rest and regather for the next jump.   Later in the summer, when birds are making more birds you are just a short walk from any road to some great habitat.   Use the map we can provide to find some of your targets by focusing on quality habitat.

Native Prairie

Native Prairie. It’s found on all ND State School land.  It’s all pasture so it provides great opportunities to the species with that habitat requirement.  All state school lands are open to public access regardless if it is fenced or there are cattle present.  Within a few miles of the lodge there are lands that host some of the most sought after species.    Many existing pastures on private property are native too as are some WMA’s


Along with grasslands, the diversity of wetlands defines the Coteau.   From temporary to permanennt, wetlands abound in Kidder County.  Being in a semi arid climate, with precipitation cycles, the sloughs can be margins of flooded cattails to many feet of exposed mud flat.   Rich in food and cover, the wetlands attract a variety of grebes, ducks, songbirds, blackbirds, rails, herons and more.  When right, a variety of shorebirds select the area to nest.  

The Lakes

The big lakes in the area attract many species that favor that habitat.  Depending on the water levels, shorebirds that look for specific habitat may find it around a lake.  Birds that require offshore or shallow water habitat often find what they are looking for either in a large lake or a deep slough.     A variety of terns and gulls look to the larger lakes for nesting.    Non breeding White Pelicans can be found in many places.